Public Domain Communication Disk from ABK-BBS, The Atari BBS in Norway ======================================================================= All programs on this disk are free, but if you want to support me and further developement of MiniTerm & MiniBBS you can become a registred user. You will then receive update- and new programs information. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Registred users can get the source-code to most programs on this disk ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Send 100 NKr, $15, DM25, 10 pounds or 30 guilders by cheque or to norwegian postgiro account 0537 6846174 (see your local post office for a transfer card, "Service des cheques postaux, Avis de versement VP1"). Payable to: Lars-Erik ēsterud, Blinken 37 c, N-1349 Rykkinn, Norway. ======================================================================= SPCSHOW.TTP Displays Compressed Spectrum512 pictures (50 and 60 Hz)